Dienstag, 13. November 2007

Easy Risotto

1 cup rice (preferably risotto rice)
1 onion
1 can champion mushroom
parmesan (grated)
bouillon dissolved in water
(optionally white wine for better taste)

Chop onion into small pieces. Fry in pan with margerine (or butter) and rice until rice looks glassy. Then deglaze with bouillon water. Boil and keep adding bouillon water (and wine) while stearing. Add mushroom and sausages (chopped in slices). Keep boiling, stearing and adding bouillon water or wine until ready (will take at least 30 minutes till rice is becomes soft). Before taking pan from stove add parmesan cheese. Serve with fresh grated parmesan cheese on top and pepper.

Ingredients can vary!!!

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