Donnerstag, 1. November 2007

Älpnermacronen (Macaroni des Alpes)

macaroni (large)
cheese (preferably Swiss cheese like Sbrinz but mild cheddar works too)

Peel, wash and chop patatoes in squares. Bring water to boil and add patatoes. Cook for about 10 minutes. Add macaroni to patatoes. Cut onion in rings and fry together with oil until almost black. Take patatoes and macaroni from stove, drain and put into a big bowl. Pour onion rings over it, but let a little rest stay in pan. Put cream in pan (where onions were fried) and bring to bowl. Turn down heat and spice cream with Swiss spice (Aromat) or salt and pepper. Cook for another 5 minutes or so. Meanwhile add graded cheese to maccaroni, then pour creamsauce over it.
Serve with applesauce.

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