Donnerstag, 22. November 2007

Vietnamese Rice Raps

rice paper
mint leaves
lettuce / salad leaves
sambal olec
cooked shrimps and/or chicken and/or beef

Moisten rice paper. Put salad, cucumber, pieces of mint leaves, sambal olec and shrimps/chicken/beef on paper. Wrap.

Dimp into oyster, soya or any other sauce that might fit. Enjoy!

1 Kommentar:

Khuong Duy Pham hat gesagt…

hey! Thanks for writing the recipe. Just some comments:
Rice vermicelli can't be missed.
The original sauce is fish sauce with garlic, lime, sugar, and chopped pepper, satay or samba olek.
You can theoretically roll anything with the rice paper, any like of fresh vegetable and herbs.
The name in vietnamese is Goi Cuon.